ESLint v8.x end-of-life is 2024-10-05 and will not be maintained after that. Upgrade or consider long-term support options

Migrating to v7.0.0

ESLint v7.0.0 is a major release of ESLint. We have made a few breaking changes in this release. This guide is intended to walk you through the breaking changes.

The lists below are ordered roughly by the number of users each change is expected to affect, where the first items are expected to affect the most users.

Table of Content

Breaking changes for users

Breaking changes for plugin developers

Breaking changes for integration developers

Node.js 8 is no longer supported

Node.js 8 reached EOL in December 2019, and we are officially dropping support for it in this release. ESLint now supports the following versions of Node.js:

  • Node.js 10 (10.12.0 and above)
  • Node.js 12 and above

To address: Make sure you upgrade to at least Node.js 10.12.0 when using ESLint v7.0.0. One important thing to double check is the Node.js version supported by your editor when using ESLint via editor integrations. If you are unable to upgrade, we recommend continuing to use ESLint 6 until you are able to upgrade Node.js.

Related issue(s): RFC44, #12700

Lint files matched by overrides[].files by default

Previously to v7.0.0, ESLint would only lint files with a .js extension by default if you give directories like eslint src.

ESLint v7.0.0 will now additionally lint files with other extensions (.ts, .vue, etc.) if the extension is explicitly matched by an overrides[].files entry. This will allow for users to lint files that don’t end with *.js to be linted without having to use the --ext command line flag, as well as allow shared configuration authors to enable linting of these files without additional overhead for the end user. Please note that patterns that end with * are exempt from this behavior and will behave as they did previously. For example, if the following config file is present,

# .eslintrc.yml
extends: my-config-js
  - files: "*.ts"
    extends: my-config-ts

then running eslint src would check both *.js and *.ts files in the src directory.

To address: Using the --ext CLI option will override this new behavior. Run ESLint with --ext .js if you are using overrides but only want to lint files that have a .js extension.

If you maintain plugins that check files with extensions other than .js, this feature will allow you to check these files by default by configuring an overrides setting in your recommended preset.

Related issue(s): RFC20, #12677

The base path of overrides and ignorePatterns has changed when using the --config/--ignore-path options

Up until now, ESLint has resolved the following paths relative to the directory path of the entry configuration file:

  • Configuration files (.eslintrc.*)
    • relative paths in the overrides[].files setting
    • relative paths in the overrides[].excludedFiles setting
    • paths which start with / in the ignorePatterns setting
  • Ignore files (.eslintignore)
    • paths which start with /

Starting in ESLint v7.0.0, configuration files and ignore files passed to ESLint using the --config path/to/a-config and --ignore-path path/to/a-ignore CLI flags, respectively, will resolve from the current working directory rather than the file location. This allows for users to utilize shared plugins without having to install them directly in their project.

To address: Update the affected paths if you are using a configuration or ignore file via the --config or --ignore-path CLI options.

Related issue(s): RFC37, #12887

Plugin resolution has been updated

In previous versions, ESLint resolved all plugins from the current working directory by default.

Starting in ESLint v7.0.0, plugins are resolved relative to the directory path of the entry configuration file.

This will not change anything in most cases. If a configuration file in a subdirectory has plugins defined, the plugins will be loaded from the subdirectory (or ancestor directories that include the current working directory if not found).

This means that if you are using a config file from a shared location via --config option, the plugins that the config file declare will be loaded from the shared config file location.

To address: Ensure that plugins are installed in a place that can be resolved relative to your configuration file or use --resolve-plugins-relative-to . to override this change.

Related issue(s): RFC47, #12922

Runtime deprecation warnings for ~/.eslintrc.* config files

Personal config files have been deprecated since v6.7.0. ESLint v7.0.0 will start printing runtime deprecation warnings. It will print a warning for the following situations:

  1. When a project does not have a configuration file present and ESLint loads configuration from ~/.eslintrc.*.
  2. When a project has a configuration file and ESLint ignored a ~/.eslintrc.* configuration file. This occurs when the $HOME directory is an ancestor directory of the project and the project’s configuration files doesn’t contain root:true.

To address: Remove ~/.eslintrc.* configuration files and add an .eslintrc.* configuration file to your project. Alternatively, use the --config option to use shared config files.

Related issue(s): RFC32, #12678

Default ignore patterns have changed

Up until now, ESLint has ignored the following files by default:

  • Dotfiles (.*)
  • node_modules in the current working directory (/node_modules/*)
  • bower_components in the current working directory (/bower_components/*)

ESLint v7.0.0 ignores node_modules/* of subdirectories as well, but no longer ignores bower_components/* and .eslintrc.js. Therefore, the new default ignore patterns are:

  • Dotfiles except .eslintrc.* (.* but not .eslintrc.*)
  • node_modules (/**/node_modules/*)

To address: Modify your .eslintignore or the ignorePatterns property of your config file if you don’t want to lint bower_components/* and .eslintrc.js.

Related issue(s): RFC51, #12888

Descriptions in directive comments

In older version of ESLint, there was no convenient way to indicate why a directive comment – such as /*eslint-disable*/ – was necessary.

To allow for the colocation of comments that provide context with the directive, ESLint v7.0.0 adds the ability to append arbitrary text in directive comments by ignoring text following -- surrounded by whitespace. For example:

// eslint-disable-next-line a-rule, another-rule -- those are buggy!!

To address: If you have -- surrounded by whitespace in directive comments, consider moving it into your configuration file.

Related issue(s): RFC33, #12699

Node.js/CommonJS rules have been deprecated

The ten Node.js/CommonJS rules in core have been deprecated and moved to the eslint-plugin-node plugin (for ESLint v8.0.0 and later, use the maintained eslint-plugin-n fork instead) .

To address: As per our deprecation policy, the deprecated rules will remain in core for the foreseeable future and are still available for use. However, we will no longer be updating or fixing any bugs in those rules. To use a supported version of the rules, we recommend using the corresponding rules in the plugin instead.

Deprecated Rules Replacement
callback-return node/callback-return
global-require node/global-require
handle-callback-err node/handle-callback-err
no-mixed-requires node/no-mixed-requires
no-new-require node/no-new-require
no-path-concat node/no-path-concat
no-process-env node/no-process-env
no-process-exit node/no-process-exit
no-restricted-modules node/no-restricted-require
no-sync node/no-sync

Related issue(s): #12898

Several rules have been updated to cover more cases

Several rules have been enhanced and now report additional errors:

To address: Fix errors or disable these rules.

Related issue(s): #12490, #12608, #12670, #12701, #12765, #12837, #12913, #12915, #12919

eslint:recommended has been updated

Three new rules have been enabled in the eslint:recommended preset.

To address: Fix errors or disable these rules.

Related issue(s): #12920

Additional validation added to the RuleTester class

The RuleTester now validates the following:

  • It fails test cases if the rule under test uses the non-standard node.start or node.end properties. Rules should use node.range instead.
  • It fails test cases if the rule under test provides an autofix but a test case doesn’t have an output property. Add an output property to test cases to test the rule’s autofix functionality.
  • It fails test cases if any unknown properties are found in the objects in the errors property.

To address: Modify your rule or test case if existing test cases fail.

Related issue(s): RFC25, #12096, #12955

The CLIEngine class has been deprecated

The CLIEngine class has been deprecated and replaced by the new ESLint class.

The CLIEngine class provides a synchronous API that is blocking the implementation of features such as parallel linting, supporting ES modules in shareable configs/parsers/plugins/formatters, and adding the ability to visually display the progress of linting runs. The new ESLint class provides an asynchronous API that ESLint core will now using going forward. CLIEngine will remain in core for the foreseeable future but may be removed in a future major version.

To address: Update your code to use the new ESLint class if you are currently using CLIEngine. The following table maps the existing CLIEngine methods to their ESLint counterparts:

CLIEngine ESLint
executeOnFiles(patterns) lintFiles(patterns)
executeOnText(text, filePath, warnIgnored) lintText(text, options)
getFormatter(name) loadFormatter(name)
getConfigForFile(filePath) calculateConfigForFile(filePath)
isPathIgnored(filePath) isPathIgnored(filePath)
static outputFixes(results) static outputFixes(results)
static getErrorResults(results) static getErrorResults(results)
static getFormatter(name) (removed ※1)
addPlugin(pluginId, definition) the plugins constructor option
getRules() (not implemented yet)
resolveFileGlobPatterns() (removed ※2)
  • ※1 The engine.getFormatter() method currently returns the object of loaded packages as-is, which made it difficult to add new features to formatters for backward compatibility reasons. The new eslint.loadFormatter() method returns an adapter object that wraps the object of loaded packages, to ease the process of adding new features. Additionally, the adapter object has access to the ESLint instance to calculate default data (using loaded plugin rules to make rulesMeta, for example). As a result, the ESLint class only implements an instance version of the loadFormatter() method.
  • ※2 Since ESLint 6, ESLint uses different logic from the resolveFileGlobPatterns() method to iterate files, making this method obsolete.

Related issue(s): RFC40, #12939

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